In the book of Genesis, Eve’s succumbing to temptation exemplifies the consequences that can occur when we stray from God’s will and desire for us. In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus shows us the righteousness of being disciplined in resisting temptation and following God’s word. Every day in life, we are faced with all sorts of temptations. As we have navigated our first year of marriage, temptation has been a common theme that we have recognized and have had to work in many ways to overcome.
These days, failed marriages are unfortunately the norm it would seem. Often times, much like Eve and Adam in the garden, it is because we choose to serve ourselves, rather than to serve God. Rather than recognize and appreciate each other when we face challenging times together, we can resort to our selfish, individualistic ways. It is easy to give up on a marriage and "love" yourself. It is easy to justify sin, not change your ways, and expect that everyone must accommodate you. It is easy to give into the animalistic nature of being human and have lustful, wandering, eyes. It is easy to be consumed with controlling every situation. It is easy to let anger get the best of you. And it is easy to be just “too busy” and neglect your marriage. Maybe we should begin to recognize that to “take it easy” is to allow ourselves to become more vulnerable to temptation and stray from the life God wants for us.
We’ve found that when we are disciplined in these situations, despite how challenging that may be, not only does our marriage grow stronger, but so do our individual relationships with Christ. When we challenge ourselves, instill discipline in ourselves, work hard, and avoid falling in with society's accepted ways, we tend to become more fulfilled and feel closer to the Lord. St. Thomas Aquinas discussed the higher will and the appetite, with the appetite being those things that satisfy our animalistic desires, which often align with what the evil one wants for us.
Think of a person who loves sex (outside of marriage), drugs, and everything else bad for them, yet they come off as happy, carefree, easy-going. The higher will can be thought of living for something greater than our base appetites, be it duty, honor, and responsibility, all the things our Lord wants us to value. It is much easier to live according to our appetite for a time, until the day comes when you recognize that you are a slave to sin. The higher will may not bring us instant gratification and joy, yet the fruit of our labor can be enjoyed further down the road. Jesus said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Avoid temptation, work hard, challenge yourself to grow, and trust in God, for He is with us.
Robert and Samantha Boguszewski moved to Abilene in 2022 and have sought to be active members of the community and church. They enjoy continuously deepening their relationship with God, helping others, and building new friendships. After living all over the country, they plan to make Abilene their forever home.