Jesus said to the people in the synagogue at Nazareth: ‘Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.’ Luke 4:24
Jesus is in his hometown preaching to the people that have known Him all His life, but they do not accept Him. In fact, not only do they not listen to Him, but they are also ready to throw Him off the cliff. That’s a pretty strong reaction to a sermon. He was just speaking the truth and trying to help them see it too.
Have you ever had a conversion experience where you met Jesus and your faith got stronger and you just wanted to tell everyone? Maybe it’s happening to you during this season of Lent. I’ll bet there is someone in your family right now that you would love to share with, but their hearts are closed. When you try to broach the subject, they shut down or tune you out. Maybe they are even antagonistic towards what you are saying and feel you are preaching to them. It’s hard enough sharing about Jesus with others, but when it’s a family member who doesn’t want to hear, it hurts a little differently. Our love for them builds within us a deep desire for them to want to love Jesus the way we do. And when our words fall on deaf ears, when they pull even further away, it can feel hopeless.
But look deeper at our Gospel lesson from Jesus today and notice that Naaman and the widow in Zarephath both had someone come to them to share the truth about God and they responded. The prophets Elijah and Elisha were both trying to speak to the Israelites and were rejected, but someone outside the faith listened. God does not give up on anyone. He will send His prophets to everyone, even your family member who won’t listen to you.
You are a prophet as well, but maybe you are not meant to be the one who speaks to your “hometown.” Don’t despair. Pray for God to send just the right person who will be heard by your family member. Pray for their hearts to be open to that voice. God knows what He’s doing and sometimes we have to just keep living our life of faith and instead of speaking, continue to walk in the midst of our families and let God bring the voice they can hear.
Reflection Questions: Have you ever been shot down or ignored when you tried to share the faith with someone close to you? How did it make you feel? Do you ever find yourself worrying about someone you feel may be lost to the Lord? Can you let them go and place them in God’s hands, trusting that He will bring someone into their life who can reach them?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You know how deeply I want everyone close to me to love You and know You. I worry about them and yet I know that You love them even more than I do. Please help me to let go and trust You with their souls. Please send prophets into their lives with a message and a voice they can hear. Soften their hearts to Your truth. Amen.