There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a tower. Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey. Matthew 21:33
Jesus loved a good parable. It was a powerful way to teach a lesson because we all relate to a good story. We want to know what happens to the characters. We live through their experiences and see parts of ourselves in them. Hopefully, as the tale comes to a close, we are a little wiser and we feel the call to conversion if needed.
Jesus shares today’s parable with the chief priests and elders and continues the theme we’ve seen for the last few days. As Jesus is getting closer to His passion, it almost seems like He is getting even bolder in poking the bear. He is trying to wake up these Jewish leaders to see what should have been obvious to them as the ones who had been studying the Law and God’s teaching for so long. He wants them to understand and He wants us to get it too.
Consider this. God is the owner of this vineyard (our life) and He has leased it to us (the tenants). That means we are to work the land and produce fruit. He will want to see what we have produced and will send people to us to collect. These may be our family or friends, coworkers or our society. How do we respond to these servants?
We are to work and use our gifts to make a difference, but sometimes we don’t want to share what we have with others. We close ourselves off and act very much like the tenants in this parable. That coworker that irritates us may be sent by God and we shut them down because we don’t want to work with them. But maybe the faith we have built is exactly what they need. Jesus told us a few days ago that what we do for the least of these, we do for Him. He is the Son that the owner sends, often in disguise, and we reject Him.
Do we realize that we sometimes live our lives as if we are the only ones that matter? We forget that our God loves us and wants to work with us to have a full and productive life. He is not a slave driver, but a loving Father who will not force us to do what He wants, but will take our hand and walk beside us and show us how we can work in our vineyard to make beautiful wine that will bless those around us.
The tenants in this parable don’t trust the owner. They have taken ownership of what was just on loan to them and it has distorted their perception and caused them to react with greed and violence. Let us not be like them, holding on too tightly to this life in front of us that we miss the beauty of the life to come. In sharing our faith (our fruit) with those God sends our way, we will then be embracing what Jesus is trying to show us in this parable. Let this Lent be a time where we embrace the hand of our God and work with him in the vineyard.
Reflection Questions: How do I see my life? Do I try to include God in the decisions I make, or do I rush in with my plan because I know what is best? What about those God has sent to my life? Do I see them as sent by God, even when it feels like more of a struggle then a blessing? How can I change my perception to trust God and work with Him in my life?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have entrusted me with my own vineyard, and I am to be a good steward of this life and bear fruit in all I do and speak. Help me to remember that and to trust you. Help me to see you as my partner and not my master. Help me to recognize that You want what is best for me. Amen.