I’ve been sitting in that cell for days. Long enough for my anger to fester even more. Ever since I was a little kid, I have heard about the glory that used to be ours. How David was a great king and finally took the city of Jerusalem for our people and made Israel a great nation. What a beautiful sight that must have been. To see our city in all its glory! But, for as long as I can remember, our once great nation has been occupied by these Roman dogs. I was thrown in prison for inciting a riot to scare off these mutts, and they’ve been holding me for my "crime." The real crime is how these occupiers think they have control over the people of God.
Today is Passover, and according to tradition, a prisoner is set free on this day. I am surprised I get to be a part of this circus. As they dragged me out in front of the crowds, I saw that the choice was between myself and this man they called Jesus, who some claim is the Messiah. Honestly, he isn’t much to look at. Some rescuer. I hear that he talked a lot and performed some amazing tricks, but he doesn’t look strong enough to really take on the Romans. He obviously didn’t put up much of a fight. He’s too weak to be the one who will save our people. What a joke.
I hear he was thrown in prison because the scribes and Pharisees were jealous of him. Rumor has it that he didn’t even make any sort of case for why he should be let go. I can hear the crowd begin to stir when they see me. Pilate, that pig, is trying to get the crowd to release this Jesus, but they are yelling, “Not this one but Barabbas!” They are calling my name. My heart skips a beat. Yes! They know that I can save them from Rome! They seem excited that I would be among them again.
Why anyone would call that guy the Messiah is beyond me. He wouldn't even fight for his own life, let alone for our people. He sure didn't look like a ruler, even though Pilate put a sign on his cross that said "King of the Jews." But I am grateful that it made the choice easier to free me. Now I can get back to our people and get back to kicking out the powers that be.
Too bad for Jesus, though. Where is that thought coming from? I wasn't around him for very long. I don't know why I keep thinking about that guy. I heard he’s being crucified. That seems unnecessary. What did he really do? I mean, I've heard that this Jesus would call God his Abba, and that he was even crying out to his Abba on the cross. He must be a crazy man to feel like he can be that informal with God. Who does he think he is? I know some even call him the Son of God. Actually, my name literally means "Son of God”, but he is just claiming that title for himself. The people have chosen me to be their champion, over this man who claims to be the Son of God. Let’s see who really saves us and brings glory back to our nation?
I need to get over thinking about this guy. Once the Sabbath has passed and we get to Sunday, I'll get started on our next revolution. I have a feeling that something big is going to happen, and we need to be ready for it.