"I cannot do anything on my own; I judge as I hear, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me." John 5:30
As we get closer to Holy Week, the gospel readings continue to show us the tension that is building between Jesus and the Jewish leaders. John clearly states, “For this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because he was not only breaking the sabbath, but was also calling God his own Father, thereby making himself equal to God.” (John 5:18) John’s gospel focuses on the divinity of Christ, pointing over and over to different times that Jesus alludes or outright states the truth of who He is. The people back then had a hard time understanding or accepting this idea and even 2000 plus years later, we can still miss this reality.
But what really stands out in this passage (John 5:17-30) is that as Jesus is speaking of his authority to heal, whether on the sabbath or any other day, He does not claim this authority on His own, but states that this comes from His Father and His obedience to what His Father has called Him to do. “Jesus saved us by the whole course of his obedience. His Savior’s life was an obedient response to the will of God, a displacement of his own concerns in favor of the Father’s: ‘The Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing.’” (Bishop Robert Barron, The Word on Fire Bible)
Too often we fall into the sin of Adam and Eve, wanting to be our own authority and arbitrator of what is good and evil. Our lives are our own and only we can decide what is right and wrong for ourselves. We don’t want others telling us what we can or cannot do. Jesus gives us an example to follow in that He gave up everything to do what God the Father asked of Him. Part of that experience was amazing, with miracles and followers who loved Him, and part of that was the humiliation and suffering of rejection and crucifixion. Life was not always easy for Him and it won’t be for us, as well.
Following the Lord’s will for our lives will bring blessings and struggles. Accepting that fact can make all the difference. Because our attitude of surrender versus the pride of controlling our circumstances and our choices in everything will help us realize that true freedom comes from not having to be all knowledgeable or in control. Obedience to God means we have the strength of the Creator of all things behind us and all will work out as it should.
Reflection Questions: Where do you see this mentality of doing things my own way reflected in our society right now? What areas of your own life are ruled by this mentality? How can you work at releasing control and submit to the authority of Jesus and His teachings in your life today?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You humbled Yourself and did what God the Father asked of You. Help me to be more humble in all areas of my life and to trust that You know what is best for me. Amen.