“For my yoke is easy and my burden light.”
How often we might hear those words and think, “Oh no, not mine!” Maybe it’s because of a financial stressor, maybe it’s the hurt left in the passing of a loved one, or simply the wear and tear of everyday life.
Yet these words are being spoken by Jesus who had every right to complain about His burden. He is the Son of God who came into this world in the poorest of circumstances. All his life, He labored only to serve others and yet He was brutally killed by those whom He loved and ministered to all His life.
When we put this into perspective all of our problems seem minuscule in comparison. We forget how fleeting our short lives are. Let us not become caught up in the stressful flurry of life that we create for ourselves. Rather, we must try to always keep, in the forefront of our consciousness, our eternal goal which is to get to heaven and bring as many others with us as we can!
Giselle Rodriguez is homeschooled junior who has many siblings whom she loves to teach about the Catholic faith. She also loves dancing, reading, and spending time with family and friends