Today we read about the Visitation, the second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, in the Gospel of St. Luke. Rich in meaning, this passage can be viewed from various angles to help bear fruit in our lives. Mary shows us how to bring Christ to others, and Elizabeth demonstrates how to receive him and his mother.
First, see how Mary moves “in haste” to help her aging cousin, who will soon give birth to John the Baptist. Mary, later, is a model of contemplation when she ponders the mysteries of her son (Lk 2:19), but here she shows how we must be eager to help others, and to do so joyfully so that others may see the light of Jesus shine through us. Are you eager to serve others, or do you do it grudgingly and then wonder why people do not seem thankful?
Next, note how Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit in the presence of Mary and Jesus in her womb. This outpouring of divine life in her soul allows Elizabeth to see the truth and she exclaims “blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Original sin has weakened our wills and darkened our intellects, but grace can restore these wounds and aid in seeing the Truth. Elizabeth should be our model of how to receive the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus: with veneration for her and adoration for him.
Are you receptive to the grace of God through prayer and the sacraments? Do you actively seek communion with the Lord, or are you floating through life without recognizing the one true God who never stops seeking you?
Lord, help me to bring you to others like Mary, and open my heart to receive you like Elizabeth. Amen.
Adam Owens is a member of the United States Air Force and helps with RCIA. He and his wife, Morgan, have five children and have been members of Holy Family since the summer of 2021.