In 1962, plans were made for the construction of Central Catholic HighSchool. The HighSchool opened in the Fall of 1963. Unfortunately, the Catholic citizens of Abilenewere unable to support an increasingly expensive educational enterprise. Central Catholic School (high school and elementary) closed in 1971. Shortly afterwards, the school facilities were utilized as SacredHeart Catholic Center - a mission of the mother parish, SacredHeart Church located in downtown Abilene.FatherJames Bridges, then pastor of SacredHeart, guided the development of the mission with Father Thomas Diab named as the first priest in residence in 1972.
Shortlyafterwards, the mission was renamed HolyFamily Catholic Center, and in 1976, was established as an independent parish with Father Robert Kelly named as its first pastor. Bishop Stephen Leven blessed the new parish on Sunday,January 9, 1977, claiming a parish roster of 114 families.
OnSeptember1, 1982, Reverend TimothyJ.Murphy became pastor of HolyFamilyParish. In as much as the parish was growing steadily, an immediate need became apparent, some provision had to be made for adequate worship facilities - a church. One year later approval was received by the Most Reverend Bishop Fiorenza to sell the ShermanDrive property to St.John’s Episcopal School.New property on Buffalo Gap Road was purchased and in late August of 1983, the rectory and church offices moved to that location. Worshipserviceswere held at the old St.John’sSchool on Bowie Drive. Ground breaking for the new church was held in September of 1984.
OnNovember3, 1985, the Most Reverend MichaelD.Pfeifer, Bishop of SanAngelo, dedicated HolyFamily Catholic Church at 5410 Buffalo Gap Road. The Church Office and Parish Center Building was added in 1994.
Rev. Monsignor Frederick G. Nawarskas was named pastor on July 1, 1996. OnJanuary 21, 2004 ground was broken to add classrooms to the church building, expand the kitchen facility of the Parish Center and create a new courtyard that joins the Parish Center to a new Youth Center and Gymnasium. On January 27, 2005 the Most Reverend MichaelD.Pfeifer, Bishop of SanAngelo, led the Dedication and Blessing upon the completion of the $2.2 million project.
Rev. Monsignor Frederick Nawarskas retired on June 30, 2021. Very Reverend SantiagoUdayarwas appointed by Most Reverend Bishop MichaelSis as pastor of HolyFamily Catholic Church from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
Reverend Adam Droll, became the Parochial Administrator on July 1, 2022 until September 2023.
Reverend Nilo Nalugon became Pastor in October 2023, and the parish continues to grow with over 1331 families registered.