As we begin each day’s reflection, invite the Lord to come be with you as you read and meditate on His Word. Take a moment and read the bible passage slowly, allowing the Lord to draw you to any word or phrase that speaks to you.
Matthew 11:16-19
Jesus said to the crowds: “To what shall I compare this generation? It is like children who sit in marketplaces and call to one another, ‘We played the flute for you, but you did not dance, we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.’ For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they said, ‘He is possessed by a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is vindicated by her works.”
Have you ever felt like no matter what you say or do, someone isn’t going to be happy? You try to make sure everything is fair. You watch your words and make sure that what you’re saying can’t be taken out of context. It’s tiring to dance on a tightrope with those around you. Especially in a culture today that doesn’t seem to want to hear anything about Christianity and its teachings.
Well, don’t feel alone. Even Jesus faced this and it should be no surprise we do too. People are people, no matter when they live, and we don’t want to hear that we are doing anything we shouldn’t. We hold on to our opinions of right and wrong and judge others who see things differently than we do. Especially if they are trying to change our minds. Today’s gospel reading gives off a vibe that Jesus may be a bit frustrated with “this generation.” You didn’t like John the Baptist because he didn’t eat and drink with you. You don’t like me because I eat and drink with those of whom you disapprove. What do you people want? (my words, not his)
But it is interesting that Jesus leaves them with a simple sentence. “But wisdom is vindicated by her works.” Maybe it would be a good idea to choose the path of living a life closely united to Christ, so that all we do bears fruit that lasts. Maybe if we are more worried about Him, we will be less concerned with balancing on that thin rope trying to make sure nothing we do or say offends and that everyone around us is peaceful. Maybe real peace for those in our lives will come from experiencing the peace we have found by living in His truth. Let our works show His presence and let God do the rest.
Reflection Questions: Who in our lives are we trying to please? What would it really look like to let go of the opinions of others and only worry about being in God’s Will? Does this idea cause you stress or bring a sense of freedom?
Prayer: Dear Jesus, it’s so loud all around me. So many voices that disagree with each other and me. It can be hard to hear Your voice. Help me to make room for quiet this Advent, so that I can focus on You and find peace. And may that peace spill out on those around me. Amen.