Memorial of St. Francis Xavier
The first reading from Isaiah seems to be directed at an audience that feels like God is distant or has ignored their prayers. Isaiah reassures them that God will guide and provide for them, and that God was never distant but that the “water” they asked for wasn’t the “water” they needed. We may sometimes feel abandoned by God, like our prayers are going unanswered. I know I have. This can hurt and, like the audience in the first reading, lead to us feeling like God isn’t listening, He doesn’t care, or even like He isn’t there. But God promises us that He will be there to heal our wounds and offer guidance - we just have to be receptive and trust that the Creator of the universe knows what He's doing. Isaiah promises the people that God will walk with us on Earth, saying “No longer will your Teacher hide himself, but with your own eyes you shall see your Teacher.”
God knows we suffer in this life, whether that be the passing of a loved one or a prayer not being answered in the way we wanted it to be, but He says “He will heal the bruises left by his blows.” Though we might not see it now, God does have a plan for every one of us and it takes a lot of faith to follow somewhat blindly along the path He has carved for us. We must remember that, like the people of Isaiah’s time, our suffering and waiting will not go unnoticed; in fact, it will be rewarded.
We see part of Isaiah’s promise fulfilled in today’s Gospel. Jesus goes with the Twelve into cities and villages sharing the Word and is saddened by the uncertainty of the people there. Matthew describes them as “sheep without a shepherd.” Jesus tells his disciples that the harvest of people who need salvation is plenty, but the people willing to help them are few. Then Jesus charges the disciples with the task of spreading the light of Christ to all the nations and grants them power over demons, illness, and even death itself. He tells them that they have received the salvation of the Lord without cost, so they must spread the Word without cost.
Jesus wants us to do the same: to spread the light we have received so that others may experience it also. Not only was Isaiah’s promise fulfilled, but God has given us the power to go and help others as well.
Adeline Fellona is a junior in high school. She plays alto saxophone in the band and is involved in theatre and enjoys reading in her free time.