In the movie “The Martian” Matt Damon’s character finds himself stranded on Mars and has to cultivate a crop of potatoes on the planets barren, inhospitable surface to survive. He succeeds with the help of knowledge, a few impressive feats of engineering, some creative recycling, and a lot of faith.
Both readings today tell us of two barren women, who with a lot of faith, bear children despite their infertility. Each of their children growing up to be instruments of the Holy Spirit and doing great things for the people of Israel. A testament of God’s ability to do the impossible and bring about the profound transformation of both physical and spiritual barrenness.
Do we demonstrate the obedience, faith, humility, and love shown by the women in the readings today or are we more like Zechariah, who had to learn a lesson in faith from Gabriel (who apparently didn’t want him talking in class)? When we persevere, humbling ourselves in obedience to the faith by attending mass, receiving the Sacraments, and praying regularly, we gain the ability to love God and our neighbors as we are called by Christ. We become fertile trees bearing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit that can be shared with the others around us.
Let us pray today, and ask Jesus to increase our faith, hope, charity, and obedience, that we may be fruitful disciples.
Jeremy Kingston is a husband and father of four beautiful children. He enjoys reading, music, catechesis, and the outdoors.